Title: The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 43 No. 23, 12/7/1956, (ddr-pc-28-49)
Densho ID: ddr-pc-28-49

Pacific Citizen
Vol. 43 No. 23
December 7, 1956

Editorial: As another season of Christmas comes

FBI Chief Tells Personal Stand on Evacuation

Delegate-elect Burns names Nisei to be administrative ass't in D.C.

Nominations Open for Sonoma County Awards

New U.S. envoy to Japan appointed

Three California Nisei pass state bar exams

Speakers for CINO convention announced

Saturday Evening Post Editorial Fears Strong Nisei Tie with Japan

Satevepost quotes only small part of confab keynote talk

Evacuation claims award procedure explained by gov't

[Page 2]

Pacific Citizen Staff

From the Frying Pan by Bill Hosokawa: 'Satevepost' and JACL

Ike nominates -- (cont.)

Southland Canned Tuna Industry to Protest Low Tariff Decision

Issei Couple Celebrate Golden Wedding Jubilee

Interracial Vegas Hotel Put on Auction Block

Tokyo Topics by Tamotsu Murayama: Mike back on his feet

100th Infantry veterans urge immediate statehood for Hawaii

[Page 3]

Vagaries by Larry S. Tajiri: 'Satevepost' vs. Ennis

Book -- (cont.)

Special Rice Flour Discovered for Use by Quick-Freeze Processors

Two interpreters needed in back-wages case

Telling 'Nisei story' before civic, church groups best public relations act

Memorial for American who helped mold future of Hokkaido planned

Restaurant gutted by fire in New York may reopen

Minister pushes research on 'Lost Tribes of Israel'

Optometrist elected to high Cal alumni position

[Page 4]

Nat'l Director's Report by Masao Satow: Central California Unity

San Mateo CL to sponsor dance class for high school age group

Mile-Hi prepares for Recognitions fete, Dec. 31 dance

3rd-termer to head Dayton CL chapter

Gift Wrapping Shown at Auxiliary Meeting

San Francisco Auxiliary nominees announced, election slated Dec. 12

Dan Sakahara, Elected St. Louis President

'1000' Club Notes

Twin Cities UCL Sets '57 Installation Date

Tamura to Head 1957 Mt. Olympus Cabinet

[Page 5]

Very Truly Yours by Harry K. Honda: Annual chapter reports

Nagamatsu of Sanger Elected CCDC Chairman; Mass Installation Held

Narcotics enforcement officer recalls only one case of Japanese addict in state

1957 JACL Officers

Sonoma County CL plans Christmas party for kiddies

Parlier Auxiliary to be new sponsors of pre-teen girls

San Diego CL inaugural hop scheduled for Dec. 30

Sonoma County JACLer Wins 1957 Plymouth

[Page 6]

The Northwest Picture by Elmer Ogawa: Shutterbug business

Kajikawa's Sun Devils Rated Loop Contender

Mile-Hi JACL hosts Mt.-Pl. regional bowling

Etsu Ouchida of Gilroy Named to All-Star Eleven

Gilroy Hot Springs case draws comments from Minnesota editor; moral issue noted

[Page 7]

Los Angeles Newsletter by Henry Mori: Citizenship means much

The Northwest Picture by Elmer Ogawa (cont.)

Vital Statistics

Christmas Cheer deadline Dec. 15

Noted Bussei leader dies unexpectedly

Nisei Music Guild Sets Dec. 8 Concert

[Page 8]

President's Corner by Dr. Roy Nishikawa: Many roads toward integration

Hillings favors boost in Japanese refugee quota

JACL to attend White House confab on 'Partnerships'

L.A. Nisei Republicans urge U.S. admit separated family kin from Japan

Text of Satevepost Editorial

Chicago community center directed by Nisei receives $63,000 grant

'Japan Village' for San Francisco seen

Testimonial Postponed for Assy. Maloney
