Pacific Citizen
Vol. 42 No. 13
March 30, 1956
By the Board: Resistance barrier of 1,000 JACLers eyed
Editorials: The Wronged Nisei
House approves $588,000 for payment of claims in 2nd supplemental bill
Dick Arimoto named president of Rotary Club in Redwood City
Festival of progress Float planned by S.F. Japanese
Senate Judiciary Committee Urged to Consider Lane-Killings Measure
Vandals blast mailbox of Nisei
Nisei picked president of Whittier College ASB
S.F. JACL membership hits mark of 1,100
'Key Man' honors given to Ontarian
I-House celebrates silver anniversary
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Pacific Citizen Staff
From the Frying Pan by Bill Hosokawa: A red-headed judoist
Very Truly Yours by Harry K. Honda: New word: acculturation
Japanese cultural heritage can enrich America, advises Issei naturalized citizen who teaches Japanese at U.S. Berkeley
Western Pioneer proxy fight to end at Mar. 31 meeting
Sumitomo bank initiates expansion of L.A. office
[Page 3]
Vagaries by Larry S. Tajiri: Campus discrimination
Very Truly Yours by Harry K. Honda (cont.)
Citizenship -- (cont.)
Attorney Wirin of L.A. leaves for Japan
PC advertiser pushes sales through television
WYBL attendance record
[Page 4]
Nat'l Director's Report by Masao Satow: Building for Hq
Spring-Summer activities of Cortez JACL headed by Red Cross drive, Boy Scouts
Talent benefit show for New Yorker planned Apr. 28
Marysville community picnic planned May 6
Woodbury College scholar
Gardena chapter to aid voters
D.C. chapter to hold semi-formal hop Apr. 7
Detroit spring dance set Apr. 21 at Elk's
Cleveland Jr. Matrons
[Page 5]
Perspectively yours, by Jerry Enomoto
Pasadena JACL hears talk on investments
Warmup duplicate bridge tourney for JACLers set
Japanese history topic at N.Y. JACL meeting
S.F. pioneer dies
Fudenna brothers plan $500,000 shipping firm
Detroit Breaks Chapter Membership Record With 368 Signed Up for 1956
Inagaki deputized as registrar of voters
[Page 6]
Tokyo Topics by Tamotsu Murayama: Hearst visits Japan
Smoglites by Mary Oyama: A new prexy
Lucky Doks Win Calif. Nisei Cage Championship
Chicago golf clubs organize council
San Francisco Nisei Chairman of National AAU Judo Committee
Oregon Nisei bowling tournament winners named
Humboldt State College appoints Nisei to faculty
JACL track meets being planned for San Francisco and Los Angeles
Igaya successful in defending NCAA slalom title, upset in downhill race
Chicago squad drops from SLC cage invitational, another l.A. team named
Tamanaha wins Hawaiian marathon in new time
Girl rolls triplicate
Breaks World Record in 220-yd. Butterfly
Name Nisei to play in benefit grid game
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Los Angeles Newsletter by Henry Mori: Respect for parents
Vital Statistics
Carolyn Okada teaching ballet
Opening date of new Shonien Home announced
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Washington Newsletter by Mike Masaoka: Tokyo Rose Deportation
Newsweek reply to statements made by Calif. congressmen, Sen. Kuchel and Rep. Roosevelt, disclosed to colleagues
Calif. congressman Gubser upholds Nisei loyalty to teller to columnist