Title: The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 13 No. 150, 2/1941, (ddr-pc-13-2)
Densho ID: ddr-pc-13-2

The Pacific Citizen
Vol. 13 No. 150
February 1941

I.D.C. Presents Loyalty Pledge To Utah Governor. Idaho Official To Receive Similar Document

[Photo] Fishermen on Suisun Bay

Los Angeles Organizes Special Groups to Foster Goodwill in Community

NWDC, Salt Lake, Ogden Elections

S.F. Schedules JACL Weekend On May 31, June 1. Chapter to Conduct Survey of 2,000 Nisei in May

Pacific Citizen Board Selected

Pocatello, Idaho Falls Petition

[Page 2]

The Pacific Citizen Staff

Notes and Comments

Nat'l Pin Drive

The President's Corner

About Members

Mike Masaoka Serves As State Chairman

[Page 3]

Your Federal Income Tax

[Page 4]

behind the newsfront by Kay Nishida

New Circular Published on Feeding of Chickens

4,600 Compete in State Exams During November

Rural 'Larnin''

$1,000 Per Minute. FHA Reveals Northern California Home Owners Invest Huge Sum During 1940

[Page 5]

Tulare Communities on Review... Delano, Dinuba, Lindsay, Orosi, Visalia

Examination Announced for Opening In Division of Registration

American Protestant Missions Leave Valuable Heritage to Japan After Half Century of Brilliant Activity by Goro Murata

[Page 6]

Marketing Problems... Growers' Responsibility By Dr. M.P. Rasmussen (Continued From Last Issue)

Rural Credit... billion a day

Poor People Make Poor Lad ... Government Aid for Farmers

Tomato Resistant to Wilt, Especially Adapted to Distant Shipping, Tested

[Page 7]

NC Heads

Bay Area Inducts Cabinets At Joint Affair

Kido, Uyeda Lead Grand March At Inaugural Ball

Visalia Daily Features Inaugura


[Page 8]

Northern California Names New Cabinets

Los Angeles Chooses Smaller Cabinet

Puget Sound Area Schedules Joint Inaugural Ball At Seattle In March

Leaders Revealed For NWDC Groups

[Page 9]

New Leaders Selected in Southern California Leagues

Special Service To Readers... Legal Forum by Walter Tsukamoto

[Page 10]

Federal Income Tax (Cont.)