hakujin: Caucasian(s); white(s).

Issei: First-generation Japanese immigrant in America.

judo: A form of Jujitsu developed as a sport and a means of self-defense without the use of weapons.

kanji: Chinese characters used in Japanese writing.

ken: A prefecture.

matsutake: A well-known type of mushroom with distinct smell, which are found under pine trees, and are very expensive.

mochi: Japanese rice cake.

Nihonjin: Japanese person(s).

Nisei: American-born children of Japanese immigrants; second-generation Japanese Americans.

ofuro: Japanese-style hot bath.

okazu: Side dish; accompaniment for rice dishes.

onsen: Spa; hot spring.

samurai: Japanese warrior or military class during feudal times in Japan.

Sansei: American-born grandchildren of Japanese immigrants; third-generation Japanese Americans.

shogun: General, generalissimo.

Yonsei: American-born great-grandchildren of Japanese immigrants; fourth-generation Japanese American.