an: Sweet bean paste.

geta: Japanese wooden sandals.

hakama: Formal divided skirt.

kimono: A robe with wide sleeves and a sash, part of traditional costume of Japanese men and women.

matsutake: A well-known type of mushroom with distinct smell, which are found under pine trees, and are very expensive.

natto: Fermented soy beans.

nori: Dried laver, a kind of edible seaweed.

soba: Japanese buckwheat noodle.

sukiyaki: A Japanese dish of thinly sliced meat, onions, and other vegetables cooked quickly, often at table, with soy sauce, sake, sugar, etc.

tabi: Japanese stockings.

tatami: Straw mat widely used as flooring in Japan.

zori: Japanese sandal with a flat sole and a thong fitting between the big toe and the second toe.