Densho Digital Archive
Manzanar National Historic Site Collection
Title: Miyoko Uzaki Interview
Narrator: Miyoko Uzaki
Interviewer: Kristen Luetkemeier
Location: Fresno, California
Date: September 11, 2014
Densho ID: denshovh-umiyoko-01-0019

<Begin Segment 19>

KL: We're back with tape three. This is an interview with Miyo Uzaki, and it is September the 11th, 2014. And to start this tape, Mark had a couple questions that I'll let him ask.

MH: The questions are related to both Rohwer and Jerome, and with the responsibilities that you had at home, taking care of family, what did you do for recreation, and what did you do for additional pastimes?

MU: Actually, I didn't have much time for recreation. There was no library nearby. I took care of my brother, I guess, giving my mother some relief. Other than that, well, we had some activities in the recreation hall in our block. Each block had a rec hall, and they had some programs there that we took part in.

MH: Music?

MU: Huh?

MH: Were you involved with music or anything of that nature?

MU: No, no.

MH: You're a young lady there in camp, in your early twenties. Were you dating?

MU: Was I what?

MH: Dating. Young men. You were, you were --

MU: No, no, no.

MH: You were a young woman at that point.

MU: No, I didn't have anyone. [Laughs]

MH: Okay. Those are the three that I had that were related to both of those sites.

KL: Did you have anything else you thought was important to include about that year in Rohwer?

MU: In Rohwer? Not really.

KL: Was there a Christian community in Rohwer that was different from Jerome?

MU: Rohwer, well, in Jerome too, we were on the edge of the camp. I think I was more involved in the block activities, the little that we had.

KL: You were more involved in Rohwer?

MU: Rohwer, I didn't have any block responsibilities. I guess took care of my brother, relieved my mother some work.

KL: What was your, what was your address at Rohwer?

MU: Address?

KL: Or your block.

MU: I think it was 46, Block 46. We were on the corner, and I don't remember the barrack number.

KL: You said your block in Jerome was mostly Fresno area people, and it was pretty quiet, pretty...

MU: Yeah.

KL: What was, what defined your block in Rohwer?

MU: Rohwer? It was a mixed group. Most of 'em were from Stockton area, northern California. Not too much difference as far as people, activity within the block. I was probably more involved in the church, camp church in Rohwer than I was in Jerome. Jerome I was just started, we were just baptized and everything was new for us.

KL: How were you involved in Rohwer, with the church?

MU: Rohwer? In the church, well, I didn't have any responsibility. We attended church. I had my brother to care for, give my mother some relief. Other than that, life went on. [Laughs]

<End Segment 19> - Copyright © 2014 Manzanar National Historic Site and Densho. All Rights Reserved.