<Begin Segment 25>
KL: You've kind of alluded to this some, but I wonder if you could talk some more about how being in Manzanar affected the dynamics of your family. Did you see your parents' relationship to each other change at all?
HF: No, mostly my brother, my younger brother. And I think it was good for my younger sister, my baby sister, because my mother was with her all the time. She took her everywhere.
KL: What happened to your cousin who was with you? When did her parents return?
HF: So her parents was released from Crystal City, Texas, so then they got out probably together. And then I don't know if she left early to go to college. She might have left early to go to college.
KL: Do you remember that aunt and uncle returning? What was it like to see them again?
HF: Yeah, I remember them returning.
KL: Did you go to their... how did you see them the first time? Did they come to your apartment?
HF: I don't know where we met them. We met them someplace, probably in the mess hall someplace, I don't know.
KL: Did they seem different to you?
HF: No.
KL: Did they talk about Crystal City, tell you what it was like?
HF: No, they didn't. We probably figured that it's like any other camp.
KL: Anything else from Manzanar?
Off camera: What do you remember about Reverend Nagatomi?
HF: About...
KL: About Reverend Nagatomi? What are your recollections of this identity?
HF: Well, I thought he was a real nice man, that's all I remember. But we didn't talk too much, because he just officiated our marriage and that was it.
KL: Did you become part of that church after you and Fred started seeing each other?
HF: That one, yeah, here, the one...
KL: But in Manzanar, did you go to services or anything?
HF: No, I don't remember going to services.
Off camera: What about any other religious events that happened at Manzanar? Do you remember any festivals or other activities that happened?
HF: No, I don't.
KL: So you and Fred were looking at leaving Manzanar, and you didn't want to go to Seabrook Farms or Birds Eye.
HF: No.
KL: But your brother was in Chicago.
HF: Right.
KL: Did you have jobs in Chicago?
HF: Well, when we got there, I left my son with my mother because we didn't know what we were going to find in Chicago. We didn't know whether we'd find an apartment or anything. So then as soon as there was a WRA office in Chicago, so we went there. And then I found a job doing sewing in a sewing factory, sewing blouses. So I worked there for, until I had my youngest son, or no, until I had Barbara, I guess.
<End Segment 25> - Copyright © 2013 Manzanar National Historic Site and Densho. All Rights Reserved.