Title: Santa
Anita Pacemaker, Vol. 1, No. 4, May 1, 1942 (ddr-janm-5-5)
Densho ID: ddr-janm-5-5
Anita Pacemaker
Vol. 1, No. 4
May 1, 1942
First Baby Born in Santa Anita
New Evacuees Boost Population to 10,327: Week’s Influx Adds 3552
Civic Hall Underway
Fire Prevention Rules Announced
Sing Greets New Arrivals
Postal Districts Listed
[Page 2]
Map of District II
Recreation Activities
Foot Baths Chlorinated to Combat Athlete’s Foot
Use of Electricity Clarified
Editorial Staff
[Page 3]
Whittier Mops Moppers: Elimination Play Advances
Property Rules Issued
Girls Start Softball Loops
Handicraft Classes Open
Community Sing Greets New Arrivals: Continued from Page 1
For Sale: Milk
[Page 4]
Personnel Office Asks Listing of Additional Skills: Trained Cooks in Demand
Church Services
Win, Place and Show with Eddie Shimano