Title: Letter to Molly Wilson from June Yoshigai, 7/6/1944 (ddr-janm-1-89)

Densho ID: ddr-janm-1-89


1235 West North Shore

Chicago, 26, Illinois

July 6, 1944


Dear Molly–


如何ですか. 長い間手紙を書きませんで. 御免下さいませ.


Okay pal how goes, able to read it? Well—“yogore” means- well you know a guy with drapes, and etc. “Abunai” means dangerous.


Gee, would have written sooner but I got the measles. Doc says I can’t use my eyes for awhile. Still in a semi-dark room. Been in a dark room for a couple of days. Really maddening.


Sandie was here last month swell kid she’s certainly pretty always was a cute kid, wasn’t she? She left for Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio last Sunday. When next we meet, she’ll probably be married…


[page 2]


…with so many kids, né?


Have you heard from Kenny? How is he? I have a couple of very good friends now in Italy. Remember Joe Kawabata? He volunteered for the army last year. I suppose he’s overseas. How is Doris, Albert, and etc. Kind my regards to them won’t you?


Should write a decent letter my eyes says “no go” so will be signing off for now.


Won’t be able to mail this letter until Saturday —when I make my debut to the outside world again.


Believe me it’s hectic being in a darkened room


Write soon, won’t you?




June Yoshigai