Title: Postcard to Mollie Wilson from Sako, 12/6/1944 (ddr-janm-1-55)
Densho ID: ddr-janm-1-55
Hi Mollie!
This is Sako. Gee don’t mind the post card cause I want to give you Sadae’s address as soon as possible.
Mollie, I think you’d better write to her first cuz she’s pretty busy. The family keeps her busy shopping mostly. Well, here’s her address
2623 Hampton Court
Chicago 14, Illinois
I’m glad to hear everyone is O.K. – in fact we are too. It’s been about 2 ˝ years since we left but it doesn’t seem that long. Everyone has grown so much— even I did. Kenny is the “brat” now & Fumiko is really big.
I’ll write to you later so until then— solong.