haiseki: Discrimination.

happi: A short, lightweight coat worn with a narrow sash over regular clothes; a workman's coat.

Issei: First-generation Japanese immigrant in America.

ken: A prefecture.

Kibei: American-born person of Japanese ancestry sent to Japan for formal education and socialization when young and later returned to the U.S.

kimono: A robe with wide sleeves and a sash, part of traditional costume of Japanese men and women.

Nihongo: Japanese language.

Nisei: American-born children of Japanese immigrants; second-generation Japanese Americans.

-san: Mr. or Mrs.

shikata ga nai: It can't be helped. There's nothing one can do.

sukiyaki: A Japanese dish of thinly sliced meat, onions, and other vegetables cooked quickly, often at table, with soy sauce, sake, sugar, etc.

tempura: Deep-fried fish and vegetables in a light batter.