Title: Heart Mountain Sentinel, Vol. III No. 19, 5/6/1944, (denshopd-i97-00180)
Densho ID: denshopd-i97-00180

Heart Mountain Sentinel
Vol. III No.
May 6, 1944

Washington Puts 'Silencer' on LaGuardia. Liberal-Minded Groups Support Secretary Ickes in Opposing Race Hatred

Stimson Clarifies Policy

Senator Proved Wrong Again

'Puka-Puka' Fighters in Italy Described as a 'Deadly Bunch'

Nisei Interpreters in Pacific Have Admiration of Marines

Issei 'Prof' Saved by Co-ed Blood Donors

Carroll Opens New Function on Relocation

Kuroki to Ask for Assignment

[Page 2]

With the Churches


Associated Editor Leaves for St. Paul

Last Rites Held for Palo Altoan

Vital Statistics

Radios, Cameras Returned to Owners

Deadline Revealed by Loop Director

2 Parolees Will Rejoin Families

[Page 3]

Covering the Heartbeat

Eight Hundred Attend Scout Program; Rally Honors National Head

National Scout Executive Accorded Warm Reception Here

Dr. Harris Visits Sentinel Office, Tells of Work Among Scouts

Ex-Sentinel Staff Members Married

Ex-Sentinel Staff Members Married

Jitsuko Nakano Reveals Troth

Billings Wedding Unites Local Pair


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Heart Mountain Sentinel Staff


On the OUT-side

Washington New-Letter

Letters to the Editor

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When Nisei Hero Visited Heart Mountain

[Page 6]

Liberal-Minded Groups Support Secretary Ickes in Opposing Race Hatred

Anderson, Kurtz Leave for Parley

Local Police Get New Sub-stations



Construct Workers' Assembly Building

Haruko Satow, Pianist, Featured

Elsie Furukawa Weds Cpl. Kitahara

Reichart Fills Motor Pool Post

YW Delegates Back from Meet

Weather Report

[Page 7]

Sportsmen Set for Easy Game in Third Round

Recreation Hall Contest Slated

Notice to Creditors

Prepsters Tangle With Worland Nine

Baseball Schedule

Softball Results

Sport Tidbits

Block 20 Horsehiders Battle Valley Sportsmen; 'Vets' Play 'Amateurs'

Slate 6 Games in Junior Loop

GAA Softballers Meet Center Squad

3 Tilts Played in First Round

Sign-up Held for Training Class

[Page 8]

High School Commencement Exercises Set. 302 Seniors to Receive Diplomas; Lovell Mayor Will Address Graduates

Evacuee Meet is Postponed

As They Go Forth So Do They Prosper

125 to Leave for Tule Lake

Prep Students Elect Officers

Seniors Attend Service Sunday

Bodine Scheduled to Arrive Monday

610 Acres of Crops to be Planted

Leupp Center Will Reopen

This Week's Heroes

List of Local High School Graduates is Released

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section