Title: Heart Mountain Sentinel, Vol. II No. 36, 9/4/1943, (denshopd-i97-00144)
Densho ID: denshopd-i97-00144

Heart Mountain Sentinel
Vol. II No. 36
September 4, 1943

Wyoming Legion Backs Evacuees. Casper Convention Urges Japanese American Use in National War Effort

Center Payroll Drops Toward Quota of 3200 as Deadline Approaches

Repairs Ground 90 Per Cent Cars

$2,876 in Postal Stamps Purchased

522 Residents Leave in August

Segregation Train Schedules are Set Back One Week

Evacuees Thanked for Aid in Fighting Park Forest Fires

Kibei Leave Ruling Issued

[Page 2]

With the Churches

Graduates from College



Canned Beans Shipped Here

Kindergarten Sign-up Tuesday

Students May Return to Center

1632 Letters Filed With Red Cross

Two-Day Bussei Parley to Mark Anniversary

Local Volunteer Accepted by Army

Segregees to Get Clothing Grants

Double Feature Set Next Week

Coordinating Group to Meet Tuesday

6,600 Witness Movies Weekly

Lecture, Movie, Set

[Page 3]

Covering the Heartbeat

Community-Wide Picnic Will Mark Anniversary

'Topsoil' Girls Receive Candy

Lechliter to Leave for Minidoka


Fewer Heart Mountain Couples Enter Marriage in August

Masano Satow Plans Visit

Phillips Named Fire Officer

Glagers Honored

Weather Report

'Blown Fuses' Dance Theme

Movie Show

[Page 4]

Heart Mountain Sentinel Staff

Editorial: The Wyoming Legion Reconsiders

On the IN-side

This is the Army: Foo Finds Soldiering Fun if One Has a Purpose

This Week's Heroes

[Page 5]

Mo's Scratch Pad

Washington, D.C. Area: Jobs Available in Almost Every Field

Three Volunteers from Alaska Join U.S. Nisei Combat Team

Round Up

Vital Statistics

Checks Ready

[Page 6]

Community Enterprises

Profits of $100,803 Reported by Community Enterprises

Leaves this Week


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Sport Tidbits

Swim Carnival Slated for Today and Tomorrow

Kashiwabara Leads Hitting

Further Grid Delay Seen


Sportsmen Score First League Victory Over Northerners, 22-12

Huskies to Tangle With Underdog Valley Nine in Crucial Sunday Tilt

Doubleheader on Tap Today


Nishimoto Wins Golf Tourney

Observance of Fire Regulations Urged

[Page 8]

1226 Prep Students Await Opening of New High School. Registration

'This is America' Moving Picture to be Shown in Heart Mountain

Beef Expected in October

Yamakawa Red Cross Head

Here They Come, You Lovers of Corn on Cob! 70 Acres of 'Em

Loss of Students Hurts Farm; Harvest Help Badly Needed

Bakery Near Completion

Sale of Fresh Fish Slated Tuesday

'One of Tops' Says Rossman

Committees Appointed by Council

Brown Appointed Safety Officer

Construction Work in Center Progressing Satisfactorily

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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[Cartoon]: Zootsuo