Title: Heart Mountain Sentinel, Vol. II No. 32, 8/7/1943, (denshopd-i97-00140)
Densho ID: denshopd-i97-00140

Heart Mountain Sentinel
Vol. II No. 32
August 7, 1943

WRA Pushes Resettlement Win Segregation. Center Calm as Details Announced

Dillon Myer to Address Residents Thursday

Heart Mountain Gets 'Nod' from Time and Liberty

National Officials to Visit Project

Foot-Sore Writers Find Camp Life No Picnic

Evacuee Attitude 'Bottleneck' in Resettlement, Says Official

Goa Port Set for Exchange

Adeline Story Ensign in Navy

Big Drive Under Way to Find Jobs


[Page 2]

With the Churches

No Guarantee Segregees Able to Go to Japan

Funeral Services Held for Narike

Last Rites Set for San Jose Man

Church Teachers to Meet Tuesday

Bussei to Hold Evening Services

Adventist Group

High School Ground Leveled

[Page 3]

Covering the Heartbeat

Artificial Flowers to be Displayed

Final Social Held by Block 2 YPC

Girl Scouts Sell $677.15 in Stamps

Brenda Starrs Entertain Soldiers

Kardine Juniors

Kurtz Lands Volunteer Leaders for Untiring Work With Clubs

Community Dance at Gym Tonight


Two Couples Wed in Cody This Week

Pimpernels Win USO Contest

Camp Fire Girls in Early Morning Hike Tomorrow


[Page 4]

Heart Mountain Sentinel Staff

Editorial: A Distinguished Friend and American

'My Only Crime is My Face'

On the IN-side

Liberty Features Mary Oyama's Moving Article on Evacuation

Letters to the Editor

This Week's Heroes

Movie Show

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Mo's Scratch Pad

Relocation Prospects: Denver Offers Few Job Opportunities


Former Resident Gives Advice to Potential College Students

Vital Statistics

Round Up

Weather Report

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Todd, Nagata to Speak

Community Enterprises Financial Statement for June

Center Awaiting Segregation Order (Cont.)

Three Instructors


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Zebras Capture Baseball Title With 18-7 Victory Over Huskies

Skylarks Meet Pros for Title



Loop Tilts Set

Zebras Tackle All-Stars. Champions Favored in Two Tilts

First Badminton Tournament Set at New High School Gym

Akizuki Wins Batting Crown

Golf Lessons

Class B Play Opens Monday

Champion Lil' Yokums Handed First Setback by All-Stars, 9-5

[Page 8]

30 Residents to Vie for Council Positions. Center-Wide Election Wednesday

Police School Opens Tuesday

70 Hospital Aides Receive Caps at Ceremony

Geologist Gives Address Today

Evacuees Aid in Battling 2 Forest Fires

Issei Couple Leaves Security of Camp to Pioneer for Nisei

Red Cross Rally Slated Tonight

June Profits Total $8,791

Rice Shipments Relieve Shortage

3 Fire Alarms Sounded Monday

Slaughter Date for 40 Hogs Near

Evacuee Attitude Hurts Relocation (Cont.)

Receipts Accepted Until Noon Today

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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[Cartoon]: Zootsuo