Title: Heart Mountain Sentinel, Vol. II No. 11, 3/13/1943, (denshopd-i97-00119)
Densho ID: denshopd-i97-00119

Heart Mountain Sentinel
Vol. II No. 11
March 13, 1943

Citizenship Bill Given Congress

Man Critically Injured in Row

Many Heart Mountain Nisei Girls are Ready to Join WAAC

300 Minidokans Volunteer for Service in Army

JACL Leaflet Points Out Nisei Opponents

Civil Service Jobs Available in Ohio

Acting Chief Sees Many Openings

Local Leave Rules Revised

February Checks Distributed Today

Colonel Who Would Lead Combat Team Declares Enlistees Prove Loyalty

Block Chairmen Make Reply

Few Men Still Unregistered

Reveal Additions to School Faculty

Hirohata Elected Block 12 Chairman

[Page 2]

With the Churches

Capt. Kinoshita Reports for Duty in Pennsylvania

Issue Banker Suits to Fire Department

Kees Joins Center Engineering Staff


Last Rites Honor Ex-Mt. View Man

Bussei Make Plans for Spring Months


Move Offices

[Page 3]

Covering the Heartbeat

Newly Furnished USO Lounge Open to Visiting Servicemen

Set Weekly USO Parties for Soldiers

'New Horizons' Topic for Rho Meet

Scott Taggart Featured as Soloist on Sunday Music Hour

Sentinel Bridge Team Triumphs

Mother Presents Flag to Scouts

Clubs Name Officers. Two Named on Girls' Club Staff


[Page 4]

Heart Mountain Sentinel Staff

Editorial: Need for a Juvenile Court

Letters to the Editor

On the IN-side

[Page 5]

Mo's Scratch Pad

Superintendent of Schools

Letters of an Evacuee

Weather Report

Nisei Will Make Tough Fighters, Says Colliers

Block Chairmen Make Reply (Cont.)

Round Up

[Page 6]

Letters to Editor

Catholic Members in Lenten Service

Supplies to be Conserved Here

Two Youths Plead Guilty in Court

Musings by the Staff

Books Available on Ceramics, Art

[Page 7]

Sport Tidbits

Gazette Free Throw in Home Stretch

Class B, C Elimination Cage Play Continues

Pick Four-Man Athletic Body



5 Weekend A Tilts Set; Friscans Meet Zebras

Favorites Win Initial Tilts

Final Volleyball Meeting March 17

Basketball Rule Change

Rohwer Again Tops Free Toss Loop Entries

[Page 8]

Discontinue Plans for Pottery Factory. Training for Evacuees to Continue

Curio Exhibition Scheduled Sunday

Hundreds of Job Offers Received Here

WRA Vocational Retraining Program Planned

Band Plays in Powell Tonight

WRA Supplies Only First Broom

Broadcast by Hawaiian Band Brings in $116 for Red Cross

New Picture on Schedule

Hayashida to Head Council

25 Arrested in Tule Lake Riot

Vital Statistics

WRA Open Five More Job Offices

This Weeks' Heroes

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section