Title: "League Warns On Sacrifice Sales," The Japanese American Courier, 3/6/1942, (denshopd-i96-00025)
Densho ID: denshopd-i96-00025


SAN FRANCISCO. -- National JACL headquarters again this week warned Japanese people against sacrifice of property in a desire to liquidate before the evacuation order is published.

National officers have been advised that the Army officers are taking steps to handle evacuation without any more hardship than necessary.

Statement By General

General DeWitt's statement on this matter follows:

"The appropriate agencies of the Federal Government are engaged in far-reaching preparations to deal with the problem, and a study is in progress by those agencies regarding the protection of property, the resettlement and relocation of those who are affected.

"The completed preparations will include measures designated to safeguard as far as possible property and property rights, to avoid the depressing effect of forced sales, and generally to minimize resulting economic dislocations.

"As soon as these studies are concluded, definite designation of persons to be affected will be made."

Position of National JACL

The position of the National JACL organization on the problem of evacuation has been, and is, that:

1. We await the commands of the military as to their orders and designations.

2. We will co-operate with the Army in the evacuation of all Japanese from designated areas and regions deemed necessary for national defense.

3. We will do everything in our power to ask the government for humane and just treatment of our total problems.

4. We have volunteered to co-operate 100 per cent. We confidently expect all the Japanese to join with us in this co-operation.

The entire attitude of the National JACL may be expressed in the following sentence: "The greater our co-operation with the government, it can be expected that the greater will be their co-operation with us in the solution of our problem."