Title: Newspaper clipping from scrapbook page, c. 1984, (denshopd-p72-00056)
Densho ID: denshopd-p72-00056

Atlantic Street Center Dinner To Honor Those Who Serve Youth

[Photo caption]: Mr. Tsuguo Ikeda, Mrs. Robert F. Doudna and Mrs. Harry Helm, Planning Atlantic Street Center's Dinner

PRESENTATION of eight "Service to Youth" awards will highlight Thursday's dinner meeting of the Seattle Atlantic Street Center. The 53d annual event will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the Seattle Chamber of Commerce dining room.

Four organizations and four individuals have been named to receive the awards. They include Big Sister, Inc., which has lent financial assistance for special Christmas and summer season projects at the Atlantic Street Center since 1946; Mrs. Homer Dixon, who donated mahogany panels for four offices and three other rooms at the center.

Others are Mrs. H.A. Lensrud, retired professional librarian who cataloged the center's library into a Dewey Decimal system; Sacajawea Chapter of the National Secretaries' Association, whose members gave 172 hours of volunteer secretarial service; Mr. Elmer E. Thulean, who serves as volunteer "handyman" for painting and repairing work at the center.

OTHER AWARDS will go to United Good Neighbors, Inc., which supplies funds for the center's service to the youth in conflict; Mrs. Arthur Warn, a frequent contributor of funds for camping equipment and other needs; the Women's Division of Christian Service of the Methodist Church, which assumes financial responsibility for major repairs and equipment and has donated $4,541 for the center's 1962 budget.

Chairman of the dinner is Mrs. Harry Helm, assisted by Mrs. William Garrett. Guest speaker will be Mr. Murray Meld, director of planning for United Good Neighbors of Seattle and King County, who will discuss "Time for Community Decision."

Reports will be heard from staff members of the Atlantic Street Center, including Mr. Tsuguo Ikeda, director.

Mrs. Emil S. Danishek, past president of the board, will present the awards. New officers will be installed. Mrs. Robert F. Doudna is the incoming president.

Greetings will be extended by Mrs. John Eby, president of Pacific Northwest Conference Woman's Society of Christian Service, Methodist Church and Mr. W. J. Pennington, executive vice president of UGN.