Japanese May Give Us Berry Crop, Is Report
Review Staff Correspondent
MANZANAR, Calif., Wednesday, July 22--Most Japanese at this relocation center who operate farms on Bainbridge Island are asking their managers not to raise strawberries next year, it was apparent today.
An incomplete survey indicated that the majority of farmers have no intention of continuing strawberry farming with their field managers. The main reason appeared to be the failure of this year's crop. Japanese residents of the Island were evacuated on government order just prior to the harvesting of the crop.
The few farmers who have asked their managers to continue have advised their tenants to raise vegetables and to cut down on the acreage of berries. Most of the farm owners who plan to discontinue probably will rent their fields.
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Masao Terashita, Port Madison, one of the five Islanders to go from here to aid in harvesting Idaho's sugar beet crop, has returned. Four other Islanders remained in Idaho. They are: Tatsue Moritani, Sam Nakao, and Bill Okazaki, all of Winslow, and Kiyo Nagatani, Island Center.
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As the hot summer season progressed here this week, increasing numbers of Islanders, accustomed to the comparatively cool weather of their former seal-level homes, were complaining of sick headaches. The high altitude here was also affecting some Islanders. A few have had to visit the camp hospital for checkups.