Title: Tulean Dispatch, Vol. III No. 39, 8/31/1942, (denshopd-i65-00035)
Densho ID: denshopd-i65-00035

Tulean Dispatch
Vol. III No. 39
August 31, 1942

Issei May Hold Appointive Offices

Although issei residents in Tule Lake may not hold any elective offices in the Community Council, now in the process of reorganization under a permanent system of self-government, they may be appointed to sit in any committee the Council creates, it was declared.

The Council has no taxing power, but it may license the community enterprises up to the total maximum of $1000 a year, according to new WRA rulings.

The issei, however, may be elected on the board of directors or the advisory board of the cooperatives.

Cash Grants For Needy

Residents meeting financial difficulties to provide support for themselves and their dependents may now receive public assistance in the form of cash grants, according to new regulations.

Those eligible for grants are:

1) Single individuals and heads of families unable to work due to illness or incapacity; 2) children under 16 years of age without support; 3) heads of families those total net income is inadequate to meet their needs. Those refusing to work will not be eligible for grants.

Amounts, subject to change depending on the necessity, are as follows:

Men: $4.75 month
Women: $4.25 month
13-17: 2.50 month
under 13: 1.50 month


BORN: To John and Fumiko Kurazawa, 1201-B, a 5 lb. 12 oz. girl Aug. 29.

Co-op Setup Discussed

The temporary co-op advisory board met for the last time Friday night to discuss technical points of co-op organization.

Reports from block leaders indicated that the consensus was in favor of establishing co-op organization.

Based upon these reports, several recommendations which will later be presented to the people for approval, were drawn up.

Election will be held later to elect the permanent members to the advisory council.

It was announced that an important ward meeting will be held Wednesday.

Vegetables Shipped

Large scale marketing of home-grown vegetables got under way Friday with the loading of one carload of turnips at the packing shed by the railroad siding.

These turnips, U.S. #1 were shipped to Poston, Arizona. All farm produce is sold to other projects at the prevailing marketing price less freight, and all profits realized are turned over to the community fund. Those consumed here are charged against the project.

Orders from other projects have been received and within a few weeks beets, peas, and spinach will be marketed. The second packing shed is expected to be completed soon.

Queen Rally 7:30 Tonight

Appearance of all candidates contending for the honor of being the most popular girl in the Colony will spark off a gigantic rally on the outdoor stage 7:30 o'clock tonight.

Marching band will lead the rally as each group presents its candidate with a stunt.

Queen candidates are requested to report back-stage by 7:15 p.m.

Kristovich Issues Motor Regulations

1. 20 miles per hour on ward boundaries.

2. 12 m.p.h. on gravel roads separating the blocks.

1. Vehicles of all types must be parked at least 25 ft. from any building.

1. Only authorized vehicles may drive through the center of the blocks, e.g. coal trucks, maintenance trucks laundry trucks, and these vehicles shall proceed at a slow rate of speed.

2. Only hospital cars answering calls and coal trucks delivering coal may drive between the barracks.

No vehicle other than emergency vehicles, i.e., fire trucks, ambulance, and warden car, shall drive across fire breaks and then only when necessity demands it.


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Sickness Prevention Week: Public Health Meet to Climax Activities, Tonight, 7:45, at #1720

Intensely aware of the importance of a communal health, THE DISPATCH last week wholeheartedly joined in observance of SICKNESS PREVENTION WEEK, Aug. 24 to 31.

The week's activities will be climaxed with a public mass meeting 7:45 o'clock tonight in dining hall #1720.

Dr. A.B. Carson, chief medical officer, will speak on some aspects of tuberculosis, while Dr. George Kambara of the hospital staff has chosen "Public Health and Sanitation" as his topic for the evening.

The Rev. John S. Fujimura, chairman of the public health committee, announced that as an added attraction, two educational sound motion pictures will be shown.

Must File Forms for Beet Fields

All those interested in working in beet fields are asked to complete their employment forms in #801-D as soon as possible. Those who wait until the last second to complete their forms may not be able to be interviewed for the contracts.

For those unable to complete their employment forms during regular hours, the recruitment office will be open from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday.

Be Careful With Your Eyes

In conjunction with "Sickness Prevention Week" -- Aug. 24th to Aug. 31st, being carried on the project -- the Optometric Clinic of the Base Hospital advises the following rules be observed:

1. Get sufficient sleep.

2. Avoid exposure to irritating atmosphere, dust, wind, smoke, etc.

3. If a foreign body should get into the eye, do not rub, but go to the hospital immediately.

4. Observe good hygienic rules.

5. Keep in high state of health.

6. Avoid eye strata by over use.

7. Have eyes examined if your eyes trouble you.

Proper Dental Hygiene Urged

From the past observation of patients coming to the clinic for dental care, we have noticed a marked lack of care and improper hygiene on the part of the patients themselves.

Decays of teeth, pyorrhea, and many other oral manifestations can be traced directly to improper hygience and lack of care. Such dental conditions may result in many serious systemic disorders such as heart, kidney, eye disease, rheumatism, etc.

At present due to the lack of facilities, we must ask the community to bear with us for the many inconveniences subjected to the patients. However, in the near future, many improvements are forthcoming such as the new clinic, more equipments and other materials which, we hope, will make available better dental services.

In the meantime, the dental staff urges the community to come to the clinic for an examination of all questionable conditions of the mouth.


Salem Awarded Protest Game

After four days deliberation the Salem Senators were awarded the first Yogore-Salem playoff contest.

Second game is scheduled for tonight but if the Yogores stick to their word -- that they would not play any further games unless they were awarded a forfeit victory in the first game -- then there won't be any battle tonight and Salem would win the series on a forfeit. Contest is scheduled for field 3, 7 p.m.

Horseshoe dual meet will be held Monday evening at Fire Station No. 1 between the Deadeyes and Fire Station #1 at 7:30 p.m.

Truckers Capture Class A Crown

Tacoma Truckers won two decisions during last week to gain the Class A softball title.

Friday they defeated Lincoln 5-2 and also was awarded a forfeit victory over Butte because of ineligible players that Butte had used when they defeated the Truckers.

This gives the Truckers five straight wins in the short season and makes it their second title this summer. They also won a softball race while in Pinedale.

Tulean Mosquitos are still undefeated in the Pee Wee League and beat Marysville 4-3 for their fourth win.