Title: Tulean Dispatch, Vol. III No. 14, 8/1/1942, (denshopd-i65-00010)
Densho ID: denshopd-i65-00010

Tulean Dispatch
Vol. III No. 14
August 1, 1942

Clinic Bus Route Given

A clinic bus route for those who need medical attention, and who, because of physical condition should not walk has been put into operation from the colony to the clinics of the Base Hospital.

Those patients who are entitled to this service will be given a pass by their respective Block Managers. See your Block Manager for the time schedule and the route.

Sac'to Sumitomo Depositors Note

All persons having Commercial or Savings accounts with the Sumitomo Bank of California located at Sacramento are advised that the bank should be notified immediately of their change of address. Persons desiring of their change of address. Persons desiring forms for this purpose may obtain some at the Legal Aid Department, #1908.

To Find Number of Single Persons

Samuel Friedman, housing superintendent, has stated now that the census is completed, the department will conduct a survey as to the number of single men and women from 18 and 35 years of age to anticipate any expanse in housing due to marriages.

Director's Message: Proud of Our City

The population of Tule Lake Project is now 15,020, as compared to 447 on May 27. In normal times we would be called a "boom" town.

But we are not a "boom" town. I marvel each day that we function as smoothly as we do. In fact I am very proud of the way that each person has settled down, doing his individual job. Therefore I feel that we are well along with our organization and from now on may be considered a thriving, busy American city.

This does not mean that we won't have new problems each day. Every city has new situations confronting it. But with your steadfast cooperation and patience I believe Tule Lake Project will solve each emergency as it arises.

Every visitor, official or personal, gives the same report on fine spirit and morale. And, you are as proud of that as I am. We must maintain our good start.

We have a fine chance here to make Tule Lake the outstanding War Relocation Authority project. With this as our goal, let us each do his daily job with cheerfulness and earnestness. In that way we shall have a city which will be a credit to the American way of life.

Project Director

Idaho Man Study Mess

Luther Stults, Chief, dining management, announces the arrival Leon V. Krumenacker, Chief Steward at the Minidoka relocation center in Eden, Idaho. Krumenacker is here to study dining management.

Postal Rules Told

The Post Office Department has received letters mailed to addressees living within the colony that do not carry postage. Any routed through the Post Office, whether for delivery within the colony or for delivery outside, must bear postage. Normally, letters going outside of the Project and which are not in excess in the minimum of 1 ounce require 3 cent postage. An unsealed letter mailed to an addressee within the colony that is not in excess of one ounce in weight should have placed thereon 1 1/2 cents in postage. If letter is sealed and mailed to an addressee within the colony, there should be placed thereon 2 cents in postage.

Letters should not be mailed through the Post Office Department in any event without postage, and those who are not familiar with postal regulations concerning postage charges should call at the post office.

Campfire Head Aids Colonists

Azita Kennedy, executive secretary of the Klamath Falls Campfire Girls, visited the city Thursday to help with the organization of a Campfire Girls unit.

Miss Kennedy stated that this character building organization which meets every Wednesday at 2 p.m. revolves around seven phases: homecraft, health, nature, camp, business, citizenship and patriotism, and handicraft.

Mrs. Alice Kawauchi, Miss Kennedy's co-worker, announced that the club house is #2008 and all girls between the ages of 8 and 18 are cordially invited to join.

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Oyanagi to Speak at Fellowship

The Christian Youth Fellowship enters into a new era this Sunday when the newly-instituted policy will be ushered in with the Pinedale Fellowship group conducting the devotional program.

Waichi Oyanagi, active leader in church circles and a student of theology at College of Puget Sound, will deliver the main theme of the evening, "Courage". Alfred Morioka, acting chairman for the meeting, announced a colorful theme program for the meeting, announced a colorful theme program. Kumiko Nakamura, music chairman, is in charge of musical highlights. Shig Okada will lead the hymnspiration period.

Organized fellowship groups from Seattle, Sacramento, Portland, Marysville, Tacoma, Loomis, and other units will work directly in coordination with the C.Y.F. cabinet in controlling the course of the fellowship programs. This policy was instituted in order to coordinate the various church groups into a single organized body, thereby pooling the leaders and active members. The policy was set forth at the cabinet meeting held last Sunday night by the Rev. Andrew Kuroda and was unanimously accepted.

Frank Hijikata, George Mayeda and Francis Okamoto are new members appointed on Peter Igarashi's worship committee. The membership drive committee, consisting of Bryan Mayeda, chairman, Paul Yoshikawa, Wesley Sasaki, Roy Kurahara and Frank Fujita, announced that plans are being mapped out for the all-out campaign to contact college-age Christians.

Music Hour at 1620 Sunday

Sunday's classical music program to be held at #1620 from 8:45 p.m. will include Nutcracker Suite by Tschaikowsky, Pagliacci by Leoncavallo, One Find Day by Puccini and The Moldau by Smetana.

Registration for Bussei

All Bussei who wish to participate in this Sunday's Festival must be registered in person with a member from their own district. Registration this Sunday will be from 8 to 9 a.m. only; no more will be registered thereafter.

The dance to be held at 9 p.m. is strictly an invitational affair. Admittance is by bids only. This was announced following much misunderstandings.

Gala Bussei Festival Planned Sunday

With more than 500 Busseis attending the pep rally, a successful day is being anticipated for the Bussei organization festivities to be held Aug. 2.

Registration from 8 a.m. will start the day off, followed by an opening service at 9 a.m. After a brief period of songs, Noboru Honda, John Fukuyama, and Yukiye Nakata will deliver addresses on the Bussei movement commencing at 10 a.m.

In the afternoon the Pinedale Busseis will tangle with the Tulean Bussei All Stars in an exhibition softball game on diamond #5 from 1 p.m. From 4 p.m. a community song fest will be held, led by Kiyo Iwafuchi, followed by a service.

A talent parade is slated for 7 p.m. with Tomio Itabashi as emcee. The day will be brought to a close with dances in 2 halls and emceed by Roy Nikaido and Toko Fujii.

Sermon Subjects Announced

Themes of Japanese services to be conducted 9 a.m. Sunday by the Tule Lake Christian Church were announced today.

ONCHO YORI SHOMEI ("Called by the Grace"), the Rev. Kensaburo Igarashi, #2508.

KAMI WO OSORUKU MONO ("One Who Fears God"), the Rev. Isamu Nakamura, #3208.

INORI NO SHOGAI ("A Life of Prayer"), the Rev. Yoonosuke Sasaki, #1008.

AI NO GENSOKU TOWA ("What is the Fundamental Principle of Love."), the Rev. Suenoshin Kawashima, #4708.

FUKIU NO IGEN ("Authority of the Gospel"), Hisashi Sano, #5008.

TEMPU NO MYOSHI ("Providence of the Heavenly Father"), the Rev. S. Niwa, #5908.

"...Man Cannot Live by Bread Alone"

9:00 a.m. Holy Mass will be celebrated by Father V. Whitlow, Maryknoll priest in #3608.

10:00 a.m. Worship in English: #2508, #4708, #1008.

9:00 a.m. Beginners and Primaries
Ward 1 ..... #1417
Ward 2 ..... #2917
Ward 3 ..... #3217
Ward 4 ..... #1117
Ward 5 ..... #4415
Ward 6 ..... #4915
Ward 7 ..... #7017
Ward 8 ..... #5808

9:00 a.m. Juniors, #1308, #4808, #2108
9:00 a.m. Intermediates #2308, #1708
9:00 a.m. Seniors #2008, #4608
9:00 a.m. College of Life ..... #2408
8:30 p.m. High School Fellowship ..... #1708
8:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship ..... #2508
8:00 p.m. Young Adults ..... #1308
Wednesday, Aug. 5 Bible Study ..... #2608
Saturday, Aug. 8 Twilight Circle ..... #4608

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The formidable PACEMAKER tells us that the girls are having tough competition. And this time, it's the boys!

Each boy was given a half pound of meat, two potatoes, two slices of meat, a half onion and a single match. The test was to build their fire without paper and cook the food without utensils. Good ol' caveman style, we'd say!

Ha! They were Boy Scouts and they passed!

* * * * *

My, My, this is too much. We who brag about two mimeomachines! MANZANAR FREE PRESS rolls forth in a new role. She dons the cloak of the linetypes and struts forth -- an honest-to-goodness newspaper.

* * * * *

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Recreation Dept. It says hyar on de PUYALLUP NEWS-LETTER? that 4 **** movies of recent release will be shown in their center. Among them "Foreign Correspondent," "Twin Beds" and "New Wind" are listed -- and gratis too.

Please lend an ear (not an year) to our pleas.

* * * * *

PORTLAND does a little bit o all right, and should be commended. Sponsors of the Saturday night dance asked as admission, candy bars, gum or cigarettes. These were to be given to the soldiers stationed at the center, the EVACUZETTE says.

* * * * *

EL JOAQUIN center must observe curfew. Resident must be in their barracks at 10 p.m. and lights out at 10:30 p.m.

Beauty sleep never hurt anyone, did it? Except for those who don't need it.

Girls to Date Boys for Tolo

Weltz contest, grand march, novelty dancing, and six program dances will highlight the Tolo dance this Saturday night at #720. Corsages are compulsory for admittance but real flowers are taboo.

Prizes will be awarded for the prettiest, most unique, and the most comical corsages worn. Also, a prize will be awarded for the best waltzing couple on the floor. Girls are advised to bring their own pencils for arranging their programs.

Chairman Mas Yamasaki emphasizes that the affair is strictly a girl date boy affair with stags prohibited. Assisting him will be Perry Saito. Admission for the dance will be 10 cents a couple. Dancing will start from 8 p.m. and will end at 11 p.m.

Telegram, Phone Procedures Told

Personal telegrams must have Project Director Elmer L. Shirrell's approval before they can be sent over the pay station telephone in the administration building. The Tule Lake operator gives the charge and the sender pays in the coin box in the booth. No official sanction is necessary for personal long distance calls.

Office telegrams are signed by Shirrell and sent by the Project operator.

City Beautification: Residents Reveal Love of Beauty

"A thing of beauty is a joy forever."

These immortal words of Keats are being practiced and proved in Tule Lake.

Neat little gardens, both vegetable and rock gardens, line the front yards of many enterprising, nature-loving enthusiasts. Those handy with saw and hammer have wrought beautiful creations in the form of shielding porches. Homes are being modified into a mere "homey" atmosphere.

Merrily humming a tune to the steady z-z-z-z-z-z of a saw, S. Tahara of 402-A is enveloped in the task of making additions to his already beautiful porch. The porch is constructed along the pattern of a quaint Japanese shrine. Sliding panel and Japanese caves showed careful and skilled craftsmanship. Looking through the open panel of the porch, further influence of Japanese design was evident. A two-tone desk-bookcase combination cabinet in dark and light brown with typical Japanese styling adorned the far corner of the room. A matching screen plus a lounge chair completed the set. The work took him about a month Tahara said. "And it's only half finished." he added.

Most colorful porch is the one which adorns apartment 1502-D. A red sign simulating a blazing neon blinker reading "Hollywood--Paradise of the Pacific" perches atop the roof; a definite touch of the flaring spirit of youth contrasted to the reserved placidity of issei handiwork. Arrows reading "Hollywood" point to the miniature arched gateway which leads into a miniature garden. Along the walk are midget loving benches, more for picture than for purpose. W.M.

[Page 4]

1000 Fans See Peps Win

Number one spot in the girls softball ladder went to the Deltan Peps as they defeated the colorful Hit and Runs in a hard fought game 7-6.

Delts scored two runs in their half of the first but the Hit and Runs came right back to take four in two innings to jump in the lead. The losers scored one in the third and again in the fifth while the Peps garnered two in the third.

With the score 6-4 and two away in the first half of the 7th, a walk single and a well hit 3 bagger brought home three precious runs to take the lead with a one run margin. With their apparent safe 6-4 lead wiped out the classy Hit and Runs tried desperately to score in their half of the seventh, but were retired with a man stranded on second.

Pops -- M. Matsumoto and D. Ito
Hits -- Amy I. and Tomi O.

Isleton Cowboys Win 5-1

In a fast one hour game the Isleton Cowboys easily defeated the Violets 5-1. J. Fujikawa was in rare form as he held in Vi's to five scattered hits and a lone tally in the seventh. Fujikawa was also the heavy hitter of the day with two doubles while Jackson Oshita's triple was the best hit for the losers.

Isleton 010 040 X 9(H) 5(R)
Violets 000 000 1 4(H) 1(R)

J. Fujikawa and Motoyama
S. Oshita and Nagasawa

Riverside, Flush Tie

What was heralded as a pitching duel between Sam Ishida and Beans Yamamoto turned out to be a hitting circus with both sides clouting the horsehide for extra base hits. The Riversiders scored 2 runs in the first half of the first with two out to jump into the lead. S. Kawano, leadoff man for the Flushers, started the second half of the initial inning with a bingle. Domon struck out and Yamamoto flied out to account for two outs. A single by J. Hayashida followed by Kageta's home run put the Flushers out in the lead. In the second stanza the Riverside boys tallied four big runs on three hits and a series of errors only to have their opponents score three on one bingle. The Loomis outfit squeezed a lone run in the third on Chuck Hayashida's hard hit three bagger. Big Sam Ishida clouted out a 350 foot home run in the same inning to tie the count at 7 all.

Both hurlers showed they had "stuff as they each struck out nine men. Pitcher Ishida took batting honors for the day as he singled twice and homed in three trips to the plate. Jackson and Chuck Hayashida, with two hits apiece, led the Royal Flushes in the batting column.

Riverside 241 00 9(H) 7(R)
Royal Fl. 331 00 7(H) 7(R)

Sam Ishida and Shig Ishida
Beans Yamamoto and Jack Hayashida

Violets vs. ? ?

Sunday's opening 9 a.m. game will see the Violets oppose the once beaten Question Marks. The Marks were nosed out by Oak Park in last week's opener. Violets beat out the California All Stars in their debut last week.

Hideo Hashimoto will probably start for the Violets, with F. Inaba on the receiving end.

Lions to Play Marysville

The two favored teams of the National league, the Red Lions and the Marysville nine, will meet in a crucial game at 6 p.m. at the hardball diamond.

Although the Lions are reputed to have a young fast ball club, Marysville's experienced pitching staff combined with Haruo Yamamoto's catching make the Hub City squad the definite favorite.

Imai vs. Bellevue

Bellevue, fresh from their 6-1 triumph over the Holland nine, will meet the strengthened Imais tomorrow at 12:15 p.m. The Imais, who lost to the West Sacramento Bums 9-8 in the season's first game, will be the underdogs, although a few additions this week may make a difference.

Coach Imai is expected to rely on the chucking of George Sakamoto, Saki Irokawa and Frank Muranaka.



1400 Drubbed

Scoring 11 runs on 12 hits, the Pensioneers hit their way to a decisive 11-4 win over the Club 1400 squad. The Pensioneers scored six runs before the 1400's could tally. Larry Takai's two hits were outstanding for oldtimers.

Pension 123 200 3 12(H) 11(R)
1400 002 011 0 9(H) 4(R)

H. Fujii and M. Okada
J. Shimoda and Kurita

New Equipment Room

A new equipment room at #3208 will shortly be opened, according to property manager James Wada.