Title: "Japanese Testing Curfew Denied Bail," Seattle Times, 6/16/1943, (ddr-densho-56-934)
Densho ID: ddr-densho-56-934

Japanese Testing Curfew Denied Bail

PORTLAND, June 18.--(UP)--Minoru Yasui, 26 years old. American-born Japanese lawyer testing constitutionality of the Alien Curfew Law, today was refused release on bond from the county jail to go to a Japanese evacuation or relocation center. United States District Judge James A. Fee denied the bail.

Yasui, sentenced in November to one year's imprisonment and fined $5,000, said he purportedly violated the curfew to bring a test case attacking validity of regulations affecting American-born Japanese. His conviction now is before the Supreme Court of the United States.