Title: "Freed Japanese Loyal to U.S., W.R.A. Insists," Seattle Times, 6/1/1943, (ddr-densho-56-922)
Densho ID: ddr-densho-56-922

Freed Japanese Loyal to U.S., W.R.A. Insists

WASHINGTON, June 1.--(AP)--The War Relocation Authority expressed faith today in the loyalty of 12,000 Japanese-Americans released from custody since the Pearl Harbor attack and said public statements that spies and saboteurs had been freed were "irresponsible" and "ignorant."

Director Dillon S. Meyer, answering charges made by Robert E. Stripling, chief investigator for the Dies congressional committee investigating un-American activity, declared that "not one instance of disloyal activity" had been reported from the 12,000 on leave from relocation centers.

Statements that released Japanese were disloyal "reveals a complete ignorance of the manner in which this agency is conducting its program," Meyer declared. He said every internee was investigated fully and none was permitted to leave if there was any indication that it would "endanger the national security."