Title: "Make Japanese Non-Citizens -- Senator Urges," Seattle Times, 4/23/1943, (ddr-densho-56-904)
Densho ID: ddr-densho-56-904

--Senator Urges

WASHINGTON, April 23.--(UP)--Senator Tom Stewart, Democrat, Tennessee, demanded in the Senate yesterday that the courts review the citizenship status of Japanese-Americans and deprive them of the protection of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which defines citizenship.

Stewart called for immediate passage of his bill to place all Japanese in this country in custody. He added he hoped Congress ultimately would "take away every right of citizenship these people have." The bill, introduced February 25, is still in committee.

"They cannot and never will be honest," Stewart said. "The execution of those American airmen confirms that statement. They are unworthy of the rights of citizens."