Title: "U.S. Japanese Out to Avenge American Pals," Seattle Times, 12/19/1942, (ddr-densho-56-871)
Densho ID: ddr-densho-56-871

U.S. Japanese Out to Avenge American Pals

LUBBOCK, Tex., Dec. 19. -- (AP) -- Staff Sergt. Bill Goto, belived [believed] to be the only Japanese glider student in the United States, is out to avenge the death of three Merino, Colo., high-school football teammates.

Goto, a winged Commando at the South Plains Army Flying School, is Japanese but was born in this country. His home is in Merino, where his farmer-family has lived for 60 years.

Bill's teammates -- whom he remembers as Pete, Peck and Gil -- were killed on Bataan.

Goto played basketball and football at Merino and at Colorado State College. He also plays basketball here.

Bill believes that physical weakness of the Japanese -- because of deficiencies in diet -- lie behind the underdog, inferiority complex that makes them such savage fighters.

Goto isn't worried about what would happen to him if the Japs should capture him.

"I don't think they will. Not all in once piece, anyway."