Title: "Editorial: If They Want to Play Rough, It's High Time to Be Tough," Seattle Times, 12/9/1942, (ddr-densho-56-868)
Densho ID: ddr-densho-56-868

If They Want to Play Rough, It's High Time to Be Tough

Pro-Axis Japanese in a California relocation center are asking special consideration, and what they ask should be given without delay.

They have staged a couple of riots recently; have assaulted the president of the Japanese-American Citizens' League and other internees who profess loyalty to the United States; and on Sunday besieged the camp police station with shouts of "Pearl Harbor. Banzai! Banzai!"

By such means and otherwise a certain number of our government's alien guests are proving themselves highly undesirable persons to have in this country. Had they shown off in this way previous to internment, they would have been dealt with summarily. There is no reason why they should not now be punished with all possible severity.

Heretofore reports from the several relocation centers to which all Japanese, alien and native-born, were removed from Coast defense areas, have indicated a well-ordered, if not entirely happy life. Most of the Japanese have taken their case philosophically. The influence of the many who, by right of birth, are American citizens, has been well and helpfully exercised.

Rebellious and riotous exceptions must be handled accordingly. Extreme measures taken by the government with Nazi saboteurs and symphathizers may not yet be in order for Pro-Axis Japanese; but to let their treacherous purposes fester in relocation centers is unfair to all who are trying to behave themselves.

Dissenters should have neither time nor opportunity for their demonstrations. They should be segregated; set at hard labor; jailed if necessary. The government should not tolerate nor condone their criminal misconduct.