Title: "Japanese Sells Store, Buys $13,500 Bonds," Seattle Times, 5/1/1942, (ddr-densho-56-782)
Densho ID: ddr-densho-56-782

Japanese Sells Store, Buys $13,500 Bonds

PORTLAND, May 1. -- A 24-year-old, American-born Japanese, Chicalo Shioshi, gathered his belongings yesterday and prepared to enter an assembly camp, after closing his grocery store and buying $13,500 worth of war bonds with profits accumulated in five years of operation.

Shioshi and his brother, Sam, founded the grocery store in 1937, after both had graduated from Benson Tech and completed post-graduate courses. They are the sons of T.S. Shioshi, a Japanese merchant who came to America in 1898. Recently, Sam was inducted into the Army -- and Chicalo, class 1-A, expects a call shortly after he is moved east of the Cascades.