Title: "All Japs Will Move By May 20," Seattle Times, 4/11/1942, (ddr-densho-56-750)
Densho ID: ddr-densho-56-750


Evacuation of approximately 120,000 Japanese on the Pacific Coast to reception or assembly centers will be under full headway within 10 days and will be completed May 20, Lieut. Gen. JL. DeWitt, commanding the Fourth Army and the Western Defense Command, announced yesterday in San Francisco, the Associated Press reported.

Only 8,000 Japanese took advantage of the Army's permission to leave voluntarily. Of these, approximately 500 left the Puget Sound area. Another 11,000 were moved from vital areas around shipyards, Navy yards and aircraft plants.

Colleges Invite Students

Meanwhile, 16 inland colleges and universities notified the University of Washington they are willing to accept American born Japanese students who will be forced to leave the University.

Names of the institutions were announced yesterday by Prof. Robert W. O'Brien, chairman of the student relocation committee at the University.

The list included the Universities of Minnesota, Michigan, Chicago, Gonzaga, Colorado, Montana; Washington State College, Oberlin College, the Colorado School of Mines, Ohio State University, Whitman College, Iowa State University, Friends University in Indiana, Yankton College in South Dakota, and Grinnell College in Iowa.

Gov. Charles A. Clark of Idaho continued his strong anti-Japanese stand by detailing Acting Sheriff Harry Hamer in investigate reports of Japanese attempts to buy farm land in Kootenai County.

"A man who sells land to Japanese in Idaho now better take his money and go to Florida," the governor said. "He won't be popular in his home community."

It also was learned last night from a Tokyo broadcast intercepted by a listening post that the Japanese are planning to evacuate 1,000 American and other nationals of Allied nations, including diplomats, from Japanese-occupied parts of China during the latter part of May. They will be assembled at Shanghai and sent to Portuguese East Africa for exchange for Japanese nationals, the broadcast said.