Title: "Complete Alien Ouster is Urged," Seattle Times, 2/11/1942, (ddr-densho-56-618)
Densho ID: ddr-densho-56-618

Complete Alien Ouster is Urged

WASHINGTON, Wednesday, Feb. 11.--(AP)--Wholesale ouster from restricted areas of all persons -- both aliens and citizens -- whose loyalty to the nation is questioned was recommended by legislators yesterday as a solution to the Pacific Coast's Japanese question.

"The sooner we do this," said Senator Wallgren, Democrat, Washington, "the better off we will be."

The far-reaching proposal was given approval by the Pacific Coast congressional committee on alien enemies and sabotage and was submitted to the full coast congressional delegation. The full delegation will meet Thursday.

The committee proposed establishing restricting areas to be extended eventually to the entire coast area.

Wallgren said he believed the plan could be put into operation by the Army.