Title: "U.S.-Born Japanese Are Declared Loyal," Seattle Times, 10/25/1940, (ddr-densho-56-501)
Densho ID: ddr-densho-56-501

U.S.-Born Japanese Are Declared Loyal

American-born Japanese would remain loyal to the United States in case of war even if the United States should disown them, James Y. Sakamoto, American-born Japanese and editor of a Japanese newspaper in Seattle, yesterday told the members of the Junior Chamber of Commerce.

Sakamoto said Japanese born in this country are taught by their parents that loyalty to the nation of their birth is the higher essence of ethics. The editor explained that the Japanese-American Citizens' League was organized in 1930 to further this loyalty and to make members better citizens. He said the league now has 10,000 members.

Sakamoto said he hoped and prayed that the United States would not become involved in the present world crisis.