Color Marks Japanese Celebration
Color and dignity marked yesterday afternoon's celebration of the traditional Shobu no Sekku (Japanese boys' festival), sometimes called the iris fete, at the reception by the Auxiliary to the Japan Society in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Goodwin. For this occasion, which annually marks the fifth day of the fifth month, there was a variety of entertainment.
A pageantry of dolls -- famous feudal generals and warriors in full military equipment -- ornamented the music room. From the side terrace, guests watched a program of classic Japanese dancing in the garden, the sharp spears of iris leaves in the border forming part of the background. Here, too, were wistaria, lilacs, azaleas, and pansies. Piano and voice solos were planned at intervals, but with the tea service always a popular center of attraction.
Receiving with Mrs. Goodwin, who wore delft blue lace, were Mrs. Yuki Sato, wife of the Japanese consul, and Mrs. William Savery, president of the auxiliary. Mrs. Sato wore a Japanese kimono of lavender and ivory in an iris pattern and Mrs. Savery was in becoming turquoise crepe.
Flowers Center Table
Centering the tea table was an elaborate arrangement of red and yellow open tulips, snapdragon and tearoses. Pouring during the 3-to-6 o'clock calling hours, when nearly 500 members, their husbands, members of the Japan Society, and their wives, were guests, were:
Mrs. Herbert H. Gowen, in a black and white print; Mrs. Seizo Fukuda, who wore a blue-gray kimono in chrysanthemum pattern; Mrs. James Griffiths, in a navy and white print; Mrs. Kanshi Nakamura, in a gray kimono of bamboo design; Mrs. Frederick Morgan Padelford, Mrs. S. Maimon Samuels, Mrs. Harry B. Jones, Mrs. Yahei Taoka, in black crepe with a bright flower print skirt and matching sash, and Mrs. William Aiken, who wore blue lace.
Assisting about the rooms were Mrs. Sherald F. Wiltsie, chairman of the social committee, in a sheer white blouse and black skirt; Mrs. Dwight Hartman, in dotted black net, and red carnations in her hair; Dr. Frances M. Earle, in blue lace; Mrs. Paul H. McClelland, Mrs. Frederick C. Moser, in a stunning Molyneux original model of gold and pastel shades; Mrs. Bunji Sawada, wearing a lavender kimono in azalea patter with gold obi; Miss Edna Benson, Mrs. Ichiji Kuribayashi, Mrs. Douglas Ball, Mrs. Royal S. Wintemute, Mrs. John Dallas Reagh and Mrs. Genzo Watanabe.
Camera Records Dancing
The Goodwins' daughter, Miss Ann Elizabeth Goodwin, also assisted, wearing a fetching white marquisette frock.
Mr. Goodwin was very busy with his motion-picture camera, filming the colorful scene of kimonoed dancers with blossoms and scarfs, on the lawn, and the three accompanists who played Oriental instruments and sang for the dancing, and getting an interesting angle on the two fifteen-foot carp kites rippling from the flagpole.
Among other men noted were Mr. Yuki Sato, consul for Japan; Dr. William Savery, Dr. Herbert H. Gowen, Dr. Sherald F. Wiltsie, Mr. Seizo Fukudo, Mr. Kanshi Nakamura, Mr. Dwight Hartman, Mr. Harry B. Jones, president of the Japan Society; Mr. Yahei Taoka, Mr. Bunji Sawada, Mr. Ichiji Kuribayashi and Mr. P.H. McClelland.
Among others at this traditional party, enjoying Japanese tea and the strange and picturesque tea accompaniments were Mr. and Mrs. Graham Polk, Prof. and Mrs. Leslie J. Ayer, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Dale and the Mesdames R.S. Hayes, L.D. Bendure, Warren Iverson, Bertha K. Landes, E.D. Kimball, L.R. McCash, Sara K. Patterson, Frank M. Lawson, Joseph Glass, Albert Charles Phillips, Edward Scripps, P.C. Valiton, Harry C. Hill, and Adam Beeler.
Out-of-Town Visitors
Mrs. Walter B. Beals and Mrs. Theodore M. Jenner came from Olympia; Mrs. P.C. Beamer, from Hilo, Hawaii; Mr. Teigo Noritake, from Vancouver, B.C. Others noted were Prof. and Mrs. Edwin K. Guthrie, Mr. and Mrs. Kenji Iki, Mr. and Mrs. Yukio Sofukawa, Mr. and Mrs. Tamotsu Murao, Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Young, the Misses Tyrone Whitney, Betty Jackson, Charlotte Crawford, Joyce Parker, Rubi Taoka, Mary Farrell, Rilla Ricker and Dorothy MacDonald.
Also glimpsed were the Mesdames Carl. F. Gould, C.B. Hoffman, Earl Nelson Parker, Raymond Harford, A.H. Langdon, C.D. Risser, T. Ohki, J.J. Connell and C.F. Scharfenstein.