Title: "Japanese Again is Arrested in Hotel Fire Quiz," Seattle Times, 10/25/1929, (ddr-densho-56-413)
Densho ID: ddr-densho-56-413


Oriental Cannery Worker, Friend of Woman Proprietor, Jailed After Jury Hears Evidence of Arson

Arrested for the second time in connection with the Portland Hotel fire of October 17, S. Takayama, a Japanese cannery worker, was locked up in the city jail this morning and held for the coroner's jury which is investigating the tragedy.

Detective Chief Charles Tennant said Takayama was arrested at the request of Coroner William J. Jones. Takayama, Chief Tennanat said, was a friend of Mrs. Toma Mayeda, Japanese proprietor of the Portland Hotel, and has visited her at a hospital where she was taken when she received injuries in an attempt to jump to safety. Ten men lost their lives and thirteen others were injured.

Jury Investigates.

Takayama was arrested last Saturday and released after questioning. But after the coroner's jury had listened all day yesterday to evidence which seemed to prove beyond doubt that the fire was of incendiary origin and possibly prompted by revenge. Coroner Jones asked that he be apprehended again and held until the jury resumes its deliberations November 4.

He strongly protested his innocence when he was arrested by Detectives Joseph Bianchi and W.N. Miller at Sixth Avenue and Maynard Street. He had a check for $600 and $252.85 in cash.