Title: "Japanese Slain by His Employes," Seattle Times, 8/8/1915, (ddr-densho-56-270)
Densho ID:ddr-densho-56-270


Jimmy Kiyohra, Contractor for Apex Mill Near Anacortes, Is Shot to Death During Quarrel.

MOUNT VERNON, Saturday, Aug. 7. -- Jimmy Kiyohra, a Japanese contractor of Oriental labor for the Apex Mill near Anacortes, was shot and instantly killed early today following a quarrel with employes of the mill. Three Japanese are being held in connection with the shooting.

Kiyohra, witnesses say, entered the employes' quarters of the mill to arouse the workmen and while awakening the men, took occasion to chastise several who had been on a carousal Friday evening. A quarrel arose during which, it is alleged, Kiyohra drew a knife.

Enraged at being confronted with a knife three of the men, T. Oyokota, K. Masuyuki and O. Suda are said to have chased Kiyohra from the shack and down the railroad track. The shooting followed.