Title: "Japanese Woman Speaks For Suffragist Cause," Seattle Times, 4/28/1910, (ddr-densho-56-162)
Densho ID: ddr-densho-56-162


Deaconess in Methodist Episcopal Church Addresses Members of Seattle Club.

In response to a toast to the cause of woman in her country, Miss K. Kinugasa, a deaconess of the Japanese Methodist Episcopal Church, made an eloquent address before one hundred members of the Seattle Suffrage Club at a cosmopolitan luncheon given yesterday afternoon at the Hotel Washington. Miss Kinugasa is secretary of the Japanese W.C.T.U. and has been in this country only two years. She espoused the cause of woman suffrage about three months ago and has already become one of the foremost enthusiasts in the club.

Mrs. George A. Smith, speaking from the experiences of a recent visit to Hawaii, discussed the status of woman in the islands of the Pacific. Mrs. George E. Boos spoke on progress of the cause in Germany and problems that confront the English suffragettes were explained by Miss Isabel Brown. The work in Italy was taken up by Mrs. Edith de Long Jarmuth.

The chairman of the club's suffrage limerick committee reported the results of the recent limerick contest and awarded the prizes, as previously published in The Times.