Title: "Hirabayashi Again In Federal Court," Seattle Times, 9/29/1944, (ddr-densho-56-1064)
Densho ID: ddr-densho-56-1064

Hirabayashi Again In Federal Court

SPOKANE, Sept. 29.--(AP)--Gordon K. Hirabayashi, American-born Japanese, who gained nation-wide attention in an unsuccessful court fight against evacuation from the Pacific Coast area, was in court again today.

Arraigned before United States Commissioner Raymond F. Kelly on a charge of failing to report for pre-induction examination for military service, Hirabayashi was bound over to Federal Court and held in lieu of $2,500 bond.

On July 3 Hirabayashi was arrested here on a charge of failing to return a Selective Service questionnaire. The case, based on a Seattle federal indictment, is pending.

Hirabayashi was married July 29 to Miss Esther Schmoe of Seattle.