Title: "Japan Choosy on Repatriating Internees in U.S.," Seattle Times, 5/29/1944, (ddr-densho-56-1048)
Densho ID: ddr-densho-56-1048

Japan Choosy on Repatriating Internees in U.S

SAN FRANCISCO, May 29.--(UP)--The War Relocation Authority today disclosed more than half the 19,000 Japanese internees at Tule Lake Segregation Center have requested repatriation to Japan, but Japan does not want most of them.

Dillon S. [Myer], W.R.A. director, said the Japanese government has supplied lists of people they want -- including Japanese with money and young persons with college educations. In some cases, he said, the Japanese government has tried to get young Japanese college graduates who have declined repatriation.

From 75 to 100 of the most recalcitrant Japanese are being transferred back to the reopened isolation center at Leupp, Ariz.

The W.R.A. revealed that almost 22,000 Japanese-Americans now are living in other parts of the United States.