Title: "9 Japs Held at Tule Camp for Threats," Seattle Times, 5/26/1944, (ddr-densho-56-1046)
Densho ID: ddr-densho-56-1046

9 Japs Held at Tule Camp for Threats

TULE LAKE, Calif., May 26.--(AP)--War Relocation Authority officials today held nine men in the isolation area of the Tule Lake Segregation Center on charges of threatening several resident families who had refused to send their children to Japanese language schools in the camp.

Best, project director, said.

At the sprawling Northern California center, which houses some 18,000 persons of Japanese descent who are admittedly disloyal to the United States, there are schools operated by the center on American standards and Japanese-language schools operated by the residents at their own expense.

Attendance at either type school is not compulsory, Best said.

Disciplinary action against the nine men followed shortly after the death of Shoichi James Okomoto, 30 years old, a camp resident, who was shot by an armed guard at one of the project's gates.