Title: Gidra, Vol. VI, No. 1 (January 1974), (ddr-densho-297-57)
Densho ID: ddr-densho-297-57

Vol. VI, No. 1
January 1974

[Page 1]

'How the Asian Communities Ran it Down to the Civil Rights Commission'

[Page 2]

Gidra on the Scene

[Page 4]

The Wall, by Colin Hara

The Emperor's Nightingale, by Jessie Cho

[Page 11]

Gas Where Did It Go? Why Does It Cost So Much? A Skeptical Look at the 'Energy Crisis,' by Bruce Iwasaki

[Page 14]

Anna May Wong, by Judy Chu

[Page 17]

In Cold Blood: There Was Once an Asian Guitar Player Named Michael Sasaki, by Doug Aihara

[Page 18]

Agbayani Village: Building Unity in Delano

[Page 20]

Warren Furutani's Resolution: 'The Essence of Change,' by Warren Furutani

[Page 21]

Fred Kawano: Commitment to Truth Part One, by Dwight Chuman and Dean Toji

[Page 24]

Some Depressing Info for Third World Artists, by David Monkawa

Weekend Comics

[Page 25]


[Page 27]

As December Becomes January