The Newell Star
Vol. II, No. 10
March 9, 1945
Justice Dept. Fourth Contingent Reaches Santa Fe
Work on Relocation Headquarters Begins
McCoy Prisoners Acknowledge Gift
Japan Sends New Memo on Exchange of Nationals
Night Attack Reported on Santa Clara Evacuee
Kins Notified of Casualties
Caliph's Corner
[Page 2]
Post Office: Internee Mail Ruling Given
Farm Section Prepares 240 Acres for Spring Planting
Hospital Visits for Kins Only
CA, Red Cross to Collaborate
Report Boiler Fire in BLK. 76
Red Cross Shorts Added to CA Films
Japanese Movie Coming Monday
Job Openings at 1208
Dr. Marks Leaves for Rohwer Center
[Page 3]
Long Beach YWCA Ready to Give Assistance
Free Legal Aid to Be Given in Civil Cases
Jobs Outside
Hostel to Lodge 40 Set Up in LA
Relocator Writes of Experiences
Survey Made of Crippled Children
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Social Gaabits by Sady
Ward VI Bussei Officers Installed at Ceremony
Notice Held for Otsuka at 1068
Church Services
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CA Notes
Auditorium Site of Radio Playhouse Show Mar. 21
Music Movie on Tap Tonight
Hold Messages at Red Cross
Cold Storage Plant Enlarged
Vital Statistics
[Page 6] Sports
Girls' All-Star Hoop Selections Released
Basketball Schedule
See Bees Nip Ripples; Beeliners Win, 31-21
Jr., Pee Wee Scores Needed
Ping Pong Loop Play Completed
[Page 7] Sports
Doi-Iwamura Main Event Bout Finishes in Draw
Basketball Schedule
Waves' Tomita Tops "A" Scoring with 68
Class "A" Standing
Baseball Meeting for Manzanites
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