Title: The Newell Star, Vol. I, No. 34, 10/19/1944, (ddr-densho-284-38)
Densho ID: ddr-densho-284-38

The Newell Star
Vol. I, No. 34
October 19, 1944

Fire Prevention Week Successful: Administration Praises Colonists'
Cooperation; Reveals Ward Winners

Report $952.60 Collected in Imonhin Drive

Reveal Changes in Project Personnel

Fagan Announces WRA Employment Policy

New Lateral to Benefit 11 Blocks

[Page 2]

Court Denies Ochikubo's Suit Against Military

Colonial Peace: Residents' Cooperation Lauded in Peace Report

18-Year-Olds Must Register

Gunderson Takes Over New Office

Ross Named Ass't Reports Officer

Co-op Payment for Ex-Gilans

Vital Statistics

-Contest Results (cont'd from page 1)

-Employment (cont'd from page 1)

[Page 3]

Social Gadabits by Sady

Wards to Hold YBA Election

Fellowship Meet

Church Services

[Page 4]

Mess Operations: Bread Output to Reach 4000 Daily

Student Policy for Next Term

CA Notes

Classified Ads


Casaba to Make Debut in Ward II, V Saturday

Block 24, 81 Lead Respective Circuits in Volleyball Race

Mutineers Win Jr. Loop Title

Ward V Captures Center Net Title

Niko-Niko League Finals on Sunday

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