The Newell Star
Vol. I, No. 21
July 20, 1944
WRA Abandons Plan to Open Leupp Center
27 Taken to Eureka on Draft Violation Charges
Negotiators Selected to Confer with Spanish Envoy
Lowery Goes on Inspection Tour
Approve Opening of Two Schools
Early Usage Promised as Canal Construction Speeded
New Post Claims Reports Officer
[Page 2]
Roof Repairing Gets Under Way
Schools Resume Classes; 1600 Students Enrolled
"Fireworks" on Display
Farm Harvests First Crop
Welfare Section to Reopen Monday
To Issue April, May PA Grants
Distribute May Clothing Checks
Two Charged with Sedition and Conspiracy
[Page 3]
Social Gadabits by Sady
2408 B to Hold Movie Lectures
Ondo Highlights Obonye Camp-Wide Affair at Outdoor Stage
to Climax Festivities
Church Services
[Page 4]
Black Reports Temporary Ban on Block Carnivals
Supervisor Named for Bakery Unit
Jerome Engine Received Here
Vital Statistics
School Granted Honor Charter
Reveals Nursing Staff Change
Senior Steward Resigns Post
Steel Cots Distributed
Job Openings at 1208
New Name Given Center Hospital
[Page 5] Sports
Championship to Be Determined in Mid-September
Taiheiyo Loop: Nippons Whip Jerome for First Half Title
Poston's Loss to Sakuras Gives Guadalupe Nine First Half in Taiseiyo Circuit
Hardball Standings
Hardball This Week End
Contributions by Baseball Fans Total $551.02
[Page 6] [Sports cont.]
"B" Hardball Schedule
Teams in Title Series: Play Resumes Tonight
Junior, Pee Wee Sign Up to Begin
Pacerette Softballers Claim Girls Gonfalon
Kawasakis .760 Tops Pee Wees
Weight-Lifting Meet, August 5
Summer Casaba Schedule
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