Title: Letter concerning JACL marketing deadlines , (ddr-densho-280-39)
Densho ID: ddr-densho-280-39

July 30, 1961

Mr. Joseph U. Hamanaka

Grant Advertising Compnay

Morton Building

Seattle 4, Washington

Dear Mr. Hamanaka:

Thank you for your letter of inquiry regarding an advertisement four our EDC-MDC convention booklet from the Seattle JACL chapter. As I mentioned in my letter to Frank Hastori in June, our deadline for accepting ads was July 15th. As you can see, the time is very late for additional material to be inserted. However, if you can submit an art paste-up ready for camera, by Friday, August 4th, we shall try to arrange space for it. If it cannot arrive in time, it would be best to let us know to that effect. Please send your art paste-up to Bob Ohama, our layout man. His address is 2927 Washburn Circle, Minneapolis. This must be sent by air-mail, special delivery to ensure arrival.


Miy oiko Matsui [name hard to discern]

(Mrs. Geo. S. Matsui)