Title: Title: Tulare News, Vol. I, No. 18, 7/8/1942, (denshopd-i197-00018)
Densho ID: denshopd-i197-00018

Tulare News
Vol. I, No. 18
July 8, 1942

150 Students to Receive Diplomas. Grads to Wear Caps, Gowns

248 Sign Up for 'R' Day at Center,' Says E. Hoyt

Repatriation Clarified

Compulsory Education to be Given

White to Train Center Police

[Page 2]

C.R. Carter to Head Service Unit. Official Statement by Aanonsen

5000 Gals of Soft Drink, 10,000 Hot Dogs Consumed

Grads Social

News Exchange

Couple Weds

Talent Show

[Page 3]

Possibilities for Students Continue. College Education Discussed

Graduation Program Slated

Campaign Spreads

Pets Prohibited in Center

Compulsory Education Told (Cont.)

[Page 4]

[Blank Page]

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Victory Parade Impressive

[Page 6]

Introducing the Queen and Her Court

New Doctor Arrives in Center

3 Barber Shops Open to Public

Baby Bathing Proves Popular

Baby Born

[Page 7]

Physical Ed. Program Set

Sports Roundup

Gym Class

Nationals Win July 4th Tilt

Council Wins Field Events

Mess 'G' vs. 'L' Schedule at 3:30 P.M. Today

South Beats North Stars

Peewee League Standing

[Page 8]

Guadalupe vs. Santa Maria Tilt Tonight

We're All Behind You

Sumo Match Next Week


Tulare Assembly Center Softball League