Title: Title: Mercedian, Vol. I No. 16, 8/7/1942, (denshopd-i191-00016)
Densho ID: denshopd-i191-00016

Vol. I, No. 16
August 7, 1942

'Girl Dates Boy' Hop Set

'Letter of Introduction' Tops Bill for Tonight

Scout 'o Rama

[Page 2]

The Mercedian Staff

Colorado Map, Puppets to be Featured

Stork Visit

Preliminary Kite Contest Planned

Beyond Our Barracks

Dances, Troop 62 Score Hit

[Page 3]

Recreation Department Gives Financial Report

Music Hour Scheduled

George Noda Likes Merced

Mess Hall Contest

Championship Crew

The Roving Reporter by Suyeo Sako

[Page 4]

Fem-a-lites by Lily Shoji

Teachers' Social

Well-Baby Clinic

Ration Books Due

Badminton Play Starts

Barber Shop Rules Released

Wedding Bells Ring Out

[Page 5]

Sports Scramblings by Mack Yamaguchi

Basketball Data for Week of August 3

Indians Overwhelm Merced

Senators Win 10-0

Marin Downs Yolo White Sox, 11-6

[Page 6]

1st Grid Classic a Tie

Hoopsters Active

Baseball in High Gear; New Schedule

Modesto Ekes Win