Title: Title: Fresno Grapevine, Vol. III No. 4, 10/17/1942, (denshopd-i190-00044)
Densho ID: denshopd-i190-00044

Fresno Grapevine
Vol. III, No. 4
October 17, 1942

Relocation Nears Halfway Mark. Fourth Group Scheduled to Go Tomorrow

Grapevine Published for Last Time Today

Leaders Plan for Complete Study System

Relocation Notices

[Page 2]

Editorial: Greater Challenge Awaits Us at New Jerome Center

Spirit of Friendliness

In Appreciation

Centers Elsewhere

Fresno Grapevine Staff

[Page 3]

Christians to Hear Talk by Rev Bonner

Several Leaders Included Among Gila Departees

Buddhists to Hold Final Meet Sunday

They Did the Heavy Duty Job

Between the Barracks with Richard Itanaga

[Page 4]

Service Division Director Wishes Residents Godspeed

155 Go to Gila (Cont.)

Exhibition Game to be Played

Fourth Group Scheduled to Go Tomorrow


Grapevine Press Stops Rolling With This Issue (Cont.)

Division Workers Thanked by Head

Snelson Thanks His Employees


[Page 5]

Center Movement