Title: Title: Fresno Grapevine, Vol. III No. 1, 10/7/1942, (denshopd-i190-00041)
Densho ID: denshopd-i190-00041

Fresno Grapevine
Vol. III, No. 1
October 7, 1942

Changes Made in Departure Plans. Center to be Relocation in 10 Movements

Traveling Tips Mailed by Monitor Dr. Taira

Clothing to be Delivered Until Movements Start

'Jerome is Rest Site' Says Recent Visitor

[Page 2]

Editorial: Living for Today and Living Sufficiently

Editorial: On Attitude

Fresno Grapevine

Centers Elsewhere

[Page 3]

Staff Writer Carl Kurihara Mails Report

Do You Know the Where Abouts of the Following?

Special Notices

Missionary to Speak Tomorrow at Women's Meet

Sugimoto Paintings on Exhibit in Visitors' Building Till Sunday

Pineknot Portrait by Ayako Noguchi

[Page 4]

Population Here Drops to 4,764 as 38 More Go (Cont.)

Coming Events

Traveling Tips Mailed by Monitor Dr. Taira (Cont.)


Troth of Center Woman to Soldier Revealed

Donations Received

Center to be Relocated in 10 Movements (Cont.)

Hitomis Leave for Delta, Utah Center

[Page 5]

Sport Light by Thomas Toyama

Zenimura to be Honored at All-Star Game Today

Fresno Amazons Smother Fowler for Another Win


Over 30 Grapplers Participate in Final Center Sumo Tournament

[Page 6]

Florin Defeats Bowles in Final A League Game

Music Group to Present Final Program Friday

Baby Boy Born

Calvin Nakaji Takes Net Crown by Defeating Jango Nishimine

Jacks Players in Four Classes Crowned Titlists

Basketball Schedule

Big Six

Aged Fresnan Dies

Baseball Schedule

Champion 'C' Nine Triumphs Over 'B' Class Titlists

Gauchos Quintet Comes Back to Defeat Cyclones