Title: Ryuukyuu Shuuhou newspaper article, (denshopd-p179-00233)
Densho ID: denshopd-p179-00233

29 April 1945

"Ryukyu Shuho"


Single sheet, 8 1/2" x 11", black on white. The masthead (upper right corner, first page) carries the words "Ryukyu Shuho" ("The Ryukyu Weekly News") superimposed  on an outline map of Okinawa Shima. A photograph of Lt. Gen. Buckner and a current situation map of Okinawa Shima also appear on the first page, while a cartoon in a form familiar to Japanese readers appears at the foot of the second page.


(The following is a resume, rather than a full translation, of articles appearing in the newspaper.)

American forces continue advance on Okinawa, already held three-fourths of the island -- Yamato, largest Japanese battleship, sunk in battle off Kyushu -- Allies sweep across Germany; Berlin is encircled -- Large force of B-29s attack Tokyo; four B-29s lost -- President Truman announces he will be guided by Roosevelt policies; reiterates U.S. desire for a just peace after victory -- Thousands of Okinawa civilians are under U.S. protection on this island; food and clothing is being distributed to them -- To date, Japanese losses in Pacific war exceed 865,000 (excluding losses in China); American losses in all theatres are 156,000 for Army, 36,000 for Navy -- Baseball season opens in the U.S.; Babe Ruth and movie stars attend first game -- Twenty American Nisei soldiers receive Bronze Star Medal.

(Cartoon) Kabocha Taii and Omimi Heisotse (Captain Pumpkin-head and Private Big Ears). There is a picture of Hitler at the threshold of the Hall of Defeat. The officer asks whether Hitler is entering or leaving ("hairu ka" or "deru ka"). The private immediately answers, "Yes, hairu Hitora", a pun having both the meaning "Heil Hitler" and that Hitler is entering the Hall of Defeat.