Title: Letter to an Issei woman, 5/7/1942, (denshopd-p157-00182)
Densho ID: denshopd-p157-00182

1842 Corinth Ave.
W. Los Angeles, Calif.
May 7, 1942

Dear Mrs. Homma,

How are you and your family by this time? I hope things have gone well for you. It seems so strange not to see you and the children every day, and talk to you occasionally. John and Janet went to Carmelita's birthday party Tuesday, and John said it wasn't the same without Kumiko and Hisao there. I know Margarita feels lost without her nextdoor playmates.

Joan and Joyce have heard from Lily and Yoko. Lily said she thought she would work in the mess hall, and Albert would be a messenger boy. The lack of anything to do has been the worst for them. That's not like a family with little children, is it, Mrs. Homma? Mrs. Thompson took a real good picture of the Inouye family. I want to get one, and will send you one if you would like it. I am sure your children would like to see a picture of Yoko looking so natural. Your house isn't rented yet, nor the one in the rear.

Jerry's forehead got well, and will leave a not-very-big scar. He doesn't know the difference, of course. We are the only ones that notice it.

Mrs. Nieto has been working at the school, with the Sugar Rationing, translating for her people.

Lily said she didn't think schools would start there for the children until September. How will it be for your children. Are you finding any former acquaintances?

Mr. Clark has finally gotten around to putting in some garden, so we may have something out of it sooner or later.

I hope you will find an opportunity to write a long letter soon.

Best Wishes,

Mrs. R.E. Clark