Title: Letter from a nisei woman, 2/7/1945, (denshopd-p155-00013)
Densho ID: denshopd-p155-00013

1375 E. 57th
Chicago, Ill
February 7, 1945

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Merrill,

Thank you so much for your lovely Xmas card. I must apologize for not writing sooner. It is very late, I know.

So you have heard about the little angel in our house. He's such a joy but he has taken up a lot of my time since his arrival and I have let all my correspondence go. Now that I am able to arrange my time better since I have become accustomed to the many tasks, I am trying to

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catch up on my back correspondence.

We are all well and happy here in Chicago. The weather is not as mild as Seattle's but it is easy to adjust oneself to that.

My memories of Hunt, Idaho are very pleasant ones and although we are all glad about the exclusion ban being lifted on the West Coat, it means the possible loss of friendly contacts. My husband and I are not planning to return to the Coast for a while. If we were, it would have been swell to drop in and see you all. You and Mr. Mann were very kind to us. That you two were the best bosses on the project was not military secret.

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According to Karl's letters he is keeping in touch with you and Mr. Mann. It's hard to believe that he's way over and around the other side of the world.

I must say good-bye for now. Hope to hear from you soon.

Please keep well.


Marion Sato

Kindest regards from Yoyo.

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