Title: Letter to a nisei man from his brother, (denshopd-i153-00071)
Densho ID: denshopd-i153-00071

Manzanar, Calif.

July 28, 1943

Dear Joe,

All ok. Received your card yesterday and also saw Miss Ely day before yesterday. No, she didn't get the razor so go ahead and do so if its still possible. I have about 1 hour before I eat and will tell you as much as possible in that time. I am typing this letter on Mack's typewriter and so please excuse all the typographical errors. It seems I had a great deal to tell you about a day ago but every time I start writing all those thoughts run out of my mind. The residents of the camp will be seggregated as you said and its really got me thinking. Before this came up, I was definitely thinking of going out, but now it seems rather doubtful. Here's the way they are going to separate them according to my understanding. The people will fall into four groups; namely, repatriation group, no-no group, non cooperative to WRA group, FBI group and will be sent to tulelake. Tulelake will be the official camp for the disloyal and the rest of the camps will be evacuated back to civilian life. They are now interviewing various families for their decision on the loyalty question. So you can see that between now and then we might be doing a lot of moving. Papa is getting pretty aged now and so when we do move the family will need a guy who can take care of the luggage, etc. Don't think this will be right away but it will start around Sept. the 1st so they say. (segregation) they will also drafting the guys in camps right after the segregation. So it looks like I'm as good as in the army around the end of this year. They are going to take the younger guys first. So they way it looks now I'm going to junk my education till after the war. Well, they have four tennis courts out here now and the sport seems to get more popular every day. At the present time, there is a tennis tournament going on and there are quite a few guys you knew in it. George Ichien is playing class "A" and will probably will be runner up against James Ito and Roy Takenaka. Hankawa is also playing A. Its too bad you can't be here now because I know youd be having a lot of fun. Its sure hot now, but it's a lot more comfortable than last summer. I'm going to summer school and its sure heck. Its so hot that its hard to keep your mind occupied on your studies. Well Joe, Mack wants to go to dinner so I'll sign off. If anything happens concerning the status of the camp, I'll let you know as soon as I get the information.


Towru Nagano.