Manzanar R.C.
Manzanar, Calif.
July 17, 1943
Dear Joe,
Thank you for the post card. We are all well.
Glad to hear that you are going to school. It really must be loads of fun to be a server in the cafeteria. Every time you mention the piano it reminds me of those good old days when we used to play at home.
It must be awful sad to have your friends join the forces by that terrible draft.
The lady next door must be really swell to you and the boys if she actually cried when they left.
Moma has made the flowers but she can't find a box to put them in at the mean time so be patient enough to wait for them as we will be patient enough to wait for the pictures.
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My girl friend from home sent me the "ag" Graduation pictures and honestly it really makes me feel good but many of the girls that I know had left and went some place each. Boy you ought to see the picture. It really is nice with lots of kids in that class. Over 400 is in that class.
In day before yesterdays paper & read that in Chicago some Filipino sailors and Japanese boys got into a fight. Boy that sure worried us.
Yes, you said that you wanted that book that you wrote your diary on from home to Manzanar. I will look for it at my spare time. You probably think I'm crazy to call myself busy but papa gave me some thing to type and that keeps me busy. I have been typing so much that I'm getting tired of it so I am writing this letter instead of typing it. One day I typed from morning till night & my rear was really sore and my back ached and every thing was wrong. Just because I didn't put a cushion on the chair.
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The weather has been okay. Very hot at times that you have to stay in the shade all of the time. One day it got really cloudy and it thundered and thundered and lightening flashed and it didn't rain at all. Some weather!
Well you don't write very much any more do you. I bet your pretty busy. This morning I was mad because there wasn't a show last night but there's going to be a show called 7 miles from Alcatraz. Sounds pretty good.
One day of the week they had candy in the canteen and I went there and got some, it really tasted good after not eating it for a long time. Also sometimes the Nakamaki's get gum from Idaho. I sure do love gum and candy. Ice cream comes around every other day and when it's afternoon there isn't any more. You mentioned in your post card that
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if we would like some sugar & cool ade. If you aren't busy and have time you can send it too us. If you are not busy at the same time you could still try to be hunting for the drill points & the razors too. Well nothing has happened in this corney camp except that we were asked in ques. 28 on something if we were loyal to the U.S. and we said yes but the ones that said no are going to go to Tulelake and the ones that are at Tulelake that said yes will come to Manzanar and the ones that signed up for Japan will go to a place like a concentration camp and the ones that are taken by the F.B.I. will go to Tulelake and the ones that don't cooperate they will go to Tulelake. We don't know if Aiji and Momo will be going but it's a worry to them. We will stay here because we are loyal to the U.S. practically all of the bachelors and pedro's are going so I guess the camp will be better. They plan to move the people during some time of the Fall. Well I guess I'll call this letter quits. I didn't write so long that my writing is getting pretty bad.
Always your sis